After while, it can become less of a priority to keep your marriage fresh and alive. I have been with my husband for over 25 years now and we have been married for 20 of them. I love him dearly but often find myself trying to be creative when it comes to our relationship and keeping the spark going.

After four children, full-time jobs, and everything daily life brings, it can be hard for us to find time to unwind and be romantic. Between “take out the trash” and “fix the TV again” I do forget to say “hey, I love you”.
I still say I love you before ending every phone call but it is amazing how wonderful it feels to slow down, give him hug and tell him I love him. Even just sending him a sexy text message gives me all the feels.
Does any of that sound familiar? If the answer is yes, I’ve got four things that will help keep your marriage fresh and alive from my personal experience.

Four Elements toΒ Keep Your Marriage Fresh and Alive
#1 Create Anticipation
Create the anticipation of being together. Doing this will increase desire and keep you on his mind.Β I love when my husband calls me from work and asks me to meet him for lunch. Those 30 minutes make me feel like a high school sweetheart all over again.
Another way you can create anticipation is by putting date nights at home on the calendar. Don’t forget to send some dirty texts to your man leading up to the date.
#2 Be In The Moment
Leave the world behind, including the kids, work, and any worries you have. Be in the moment, just the two of you, and refocus on each other. Sit on the porch or around a backyard fire after the kids go to bed. Grab these Printable Love Questions and learn some new things abut each other.

#3 Emotional Connection
Keep the bond strong between the two of you and reconnect during this time. Can you really emotionally connect while at the movies watching “Bad Teacher”? Whether you want to admit it or not, feeling emotionally connected can make them feel more loved.
Use this A to Z Romance Challenge for little bonding! Ask questions, talk about feelings, discuss life in the future.

#4 New and Unique
Experience something new and unique to keep your marriage fresh and alive. Remember the first time you held hands or high-fived over a win? That “feel good” moment you shared together that brought you closer, yeah those. You can still have those with new experiences.
For more ways to keep your marriage fresh and strong, check out these posts:
danielle h says
I struggle with this! Finding time between 3 kids and a busy husband makes it hard. I would love some help in this department..and I’m sure my husband would be very happy. π
Thanks for an awesome giveaway
Judy says
We have been together for almost nine years… and after seven we found that the spark was starting to desolve… so to get that special spark back that we had when we starting dating we decided to start dating again. We go out every couple of weeks or at least once a month on a date. We go in separate cars and go to different places and pretend that we are meeting for the first time again. We both dress like we are trying to meet someone as we have found that we both got in a rut and didn’t dress to impress. It really has put that spark back in our relationship.
Andrea Sheard says
Oh, Judy I didn’t see your comment prior to posting mine. I definitely agree that it does a little something to just pretend and get away from the norm every once in a while. Kudos to you and your hubby!
Michaelyn Pappert says
Try putting a candy bar with a note attached…like…I want Smore of you!!! in his lunchbox…..It works every time!!! Little surprises let them know you love them and always will…
Andrea Sheard says
My husband and I met when we were both active duty sailors. While I got out he continues to serve our country. When he is on sea duty they are constantly in and out to sea doing short and long deployment stints. So when he comes home we are playing catch-up and getting to know each other all over again since I also work full time while raising our 4 kids. When he is home we make a point to have date night once a month where we pretend that it’s our first date. One of us will actually drive away and come back, ring the doorbell, and meet the kids all over again. The kids love it and get all into “meeting” mommy or daddy’s new friend everytime. This makes it special for us. I know it’s not much but the amusement and telling new and old stories to one another w/ the anticipation of what’s to happen at the end of the date really gets us going. We love it. It definitely puts the spark back in there for us.
Denima Lund says
We have been married for 11 years and have 4 kids from 13 to 4. We have such a busy schedule we seriously have to plan dates. But lately we have been talking more about what we want to get the spark make before it fades to far. we have been trying the things we talk about, and it really is fun and romantic to try new things. Sometimes its going to new places or spending the night in the local bed and breakfast. We have even tried reading the same romance novel together, sometimes we cant finish a chapter!!! New things are good!!!
Daneisha says
The hubs and I have been married for almost 7 years, and believe it or not, we’ve just discovered the magic of taking vacations together! This past march we went away for 2 days and had so much fun. This was only our second vacation together because we never have the extra money to go anywhere. After those 2 days together, we’ve decided that we’ll always make time and save money just to have a few days to ourselves.
Heather says
We have been together for 19 years and still to this day when he walks into the room my heart flutters and I still smile the same way as the day I met. I believe the reason this happens is we are truely in love and with all the ups and downs we make time for one another. At night we sit and talk about the day and in the mornings we always have coffee and chat about our plans. Its very important to never keep secrets if something is bothering you let them know. We both lead very busy work schedules him with his business and I with my business. We also call and talk to one another a few times a day just to say I love you. It doesn’t have to be 10 minute call it can be 10 seconds. Its the thought.
Rebecca says
I have been out of work for several months now and between that and all the stresses my husband has at his work; we got stuck in a rut. It was not fun but I became a bit depressed and was stuck in lounge clothes and hair in a bun. One day snapped out of it and decided to get dressed up like I was going out. I made dinner (like always) but also made a special dessert and set the table up fancy. Needless to say he was shocked when he arrived home from work that night and we had a great night. Sometimes a little effort goes along way. π Now I try and think of little things I can do all the time and he’s been too. He started emailing or texting me love notes while he’s at work and I love surprising him with things like stuff to do on the weekends or beer in the fridge.
natasha hudnall says
My husband and I have been living together 10 years, married 6 1/2. We have one child, who is 2 1/2. I find the best way to keep the romantic and sexual side of the marriage going is to just do it. No saying, I’m tired, I have a headache. We make sure our son has a standard bedtime every night, that gives us plenty of time to talk, joke around, snuggle and make love. When things start to get a bit stale we try new positions.
Mia E says
When my husband and I were dating we spoke on the phone alot. Talking on the phone was not my thing, but he was able to break down the wall so to speak and get me to talk. We shared some of our most intimate thoughts and ideas while talking on the phone. After being married nine years things were getting stalll, so we reverted back to the phone. We text each other messages ( we are good wholesome people so we keep it clean), while we are at home. We are usually in different rooms, and the texting helps us to reconnect to one another. When he texts,”Wifey Come.” I get a big smile on my face and remember how much he loves me, and how much more I love him each and every day. We try not to forget to let each other know what a gift we are to each other, and to not take it for granted.
sarah says
We are full time missionaries that home school our wonderful children. Our focus is constantly being pulled else where. We sure try to keep the focus on us and our marriage since it is the most important human relationship in our lives.
April says
My husband and I have been together for over 20 years, married for 17, we have two children 11 and 7. Of course there have been the busy times, taking care of babies etc…but there always has to be “us” time…time as a family, seperate me time and then “us” time. It’s the only way to keep yourselves on track, you have to take that time to remember that in the beginning it was the two of you! My husband’s birthday is next month, I already have a room booked downtown, I plan to pack his clothes, check into the hotel and then call him and tell him to meet me! I bought a “cooking for two” groupon, we will go to a private kitchen and cook a greek meal together and have dinner together, spend the night at the hotel and have brunch the next morning…before going home and spending the day with the kids to celebrate his birthday. “US” time π
Susan D says
Sometimes we turn the most mundane daily tasks into role play. When the heater in the bathroom was broken, I took advantage of a sudden “need” for a heater repair guy. If I’m cleaning the house, the hubs might just suddenly be looking for a good maid. My husbands a big car guy, when he’s working on one of his toys, sometimes I will be on the hunt for a guy who can handle a lube job….. lol! It’s just our way of taking notice of one another while getting all the chores done!
Tiffany Mocerino says
Everyday is a new day and I am so thankful to have an awesome man by my side π
kudos to you and your man!!
Launi Lewis says
It is hard keeping romance going sometimes. Kids demanding attention, spouses working and tired when they get home. We forget that those small subtle touches as you pass each other sent sparks through our bodies. It only takes one of us to start the initiation of stopping as we pass each other and doing a small pat on the tush or brush you hand down the arm. Look into their eyes for a moment and smile. Restart that spark…….Leave notes of how proud you are of each other on a mirror to find in the morning, on the car steering wheel, in a lunch bag, inside his coat. Send him a text that hints at how sexy they still are. Make time as so many here have said to have a date night at least once a month. If money is tight you make something up at home create a picnic basket and go to a park, place overlooking city lights, go to a drive in even. The point is to get away together π
I also feel there is nothing wrong (if you have 2 computers) with flirting through messenger on the internet, create names and personalities then go flirt from different rooms. It is easier to talk sometimes through letters or messenger then to each other face to face. π
Elaine Pardo says
My husband and I get away once a month to help keep our marriage alive.Just a simple get away can help~
Laura Martin says
We keep our marriage going due to deployements. Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder and when he gets back after 6 months to a year it is like being newlyweds again even with four kids and us both working full time. You truly appreciate the time you are together.
cindy says
We rekindle the fire by trying to let each other know we are thinking of the other sending a romantic text or just a simple hello
Susan Seever says
We have been married 14 years, but been together on and off since high school. We have two children 18, and 16. The stress of putting a child through college and having another one in high school is hard. We are trying to take a day off here and there to just be with each other.One thing we do try to do is go to bed each evening at the same time. That way we can enjoy some pillow talk before we fall asleep. And the last thing we usually say is “I LOVE YOU” before falling asleep. Thanks for doing this, this is great just to think about what we do as a couple to keep that spark*.
Deborah Todaro says
I married my best friend 15 years ago. Realizing that marriage does take work and that you do need to make time for eachother it is important. I realized along time ago that a once a month date night would not be enough. So we have used the grocery store to have a date. Our local grocery store has a kids club so we use the kids club (which my child loves) and eat a quick dinner in the cafe and go shopping. We send pictures to eachother on our phones. Sometimes the pictures are us making silly faces or they are just pictures that just have a special meaning between the two of us. My advice is laugh alot and tell the person your with how beautiful they are and that you are attracted to them in every way.
Shelly the Chic Crafty Chick says
We have been married for 10 years. We have one child that is special needs, so that has brought about a number of challenges we never could have imagined. So, between the day to day stuff and being tired out, it is hard to be romantic.
Sometimes what I will do is get him something small and put it in his car. That way he has a surprise to know I’m thinking of him. Sometimes it is something like a bag of his favorite candy, or something else small he might like. He likes finding these goodies.
I also text message him at random times to say I love you.
vandna says
i make hos favourite dish when he’s angry and he gives a gift when i am angry..
we never goto sleep with a fight.
alyce poyner says
compliment my man everyday!
Deanna Perry says
Footrubs. Noone wants to do it so when it happens it really means a lot.
Jessie says
we use all of those groupon, crowdcut and living social deals. From wine tasting to acupuncture, we are always doing something fun and out of the box. we were doing it even before the commercial came out with the fun daters. π
bluegoose says
We have lunch together at least once a week, when possible. We find without this time, we start arguing and picking over little bitty issues!!! We will celebrate our 23rd anniversary next month and have raised two wonderful daughters together!
Sandy Anderson says
I am coming up to my 40th anniversary. My 3 children are adults. When they were small we used to do everything together as a family until they became teenagers. Then we started to have a night out every once in a while. Throughout our marriage my husband has taken the time to call me every day, no matter how busy we are. My co-worker started to complain, but I realized after hearing her speak about her relationship that she might be jealous. She began asking me for advice. Marriage is give and take. Just be ready to give more than take. It makes your lives enjoyable because you’re both happy. Your husband will be more willing to give also. When the kids are in bed, snuggle & watch television together. Think about ways to be together and do things together. When you get the chance to go away for a night, Grab it! Keep your love alive.
holly allen says
After 8 yrs & 5 kids we still love eachother SO much! We love making eachother laugh at nothing! Out of no where, he gives me the cutest looks from time to time & I can tell he still loves me as much as he did 8 yrs ago.
danielle stuber says
I would love to win this. My marriage is very rocky right now. I would love to try something that could help us put the passion love and bond we once had back into our marriage. Please please pick me.
Jen Shaw says
We both have busy schedules. We have been married for 15 years. I work 3rd shift and he works swing shifts. plus we have two very active daughters. On our nights off we try to sit in our hot tub relax talk about the week and enjoy a nice glass of wine.
Marie P. says
I met my husband when i was about to turn 17,He came into my life and I can say he saved me! We have been married for 32 yrs. in dec.with two grown boys now gone,and they both live out of state we find that all our trips are to see them.So we like to take weekend mini trips now and again to keep the spark alive .also staycations at home are nice too.
tiffany dover says
My husband and I are expecting our first child in January, and after being told I’d never had kids, it’s such a miraculous blessing to us. I know having a child will put some stress on our marriage but I plan on continuing to do all the sweet little things that I do for him now to keep the spark alive! I like to leave him random notes around the house in places I know he’ll find them..if not immediately, he’ll find them eventually! I sometimes leave them on the bathroom mirror so he see’s it as soon as he gets up in the morning to get ready for work, sometimes I’ll post one on his steering wheel so he’ll get it when he gets in the car to head to work. I also like to mail him letters to his place of business so he can have sweet nothings to read from me while at work. I’ll randomly send pictures of me to either his phone or email to surprise him and I love surprising him by making his favorite meal as well! I still grab his hand when we go see a movie, or smack his butt if he walks by me LOL I love to just run and jump into bed with him and give him a huge hug. He’s my sweet heart and I don’t ever want the spark and fireworks to end!
Anna Fowler says
After being together for 15 years with our 2 kids & raising 2 others, my husband & I try different things like: going on a date night once a month & snuggling up and watching a movie together, or go on walks together holding hands. But one of our favorite things to do is to pick out a new recipe from a magazine or book to try and prepare it for dinner “together” It is a very relaxing atmosphere. We laugh & talk. And sometimes even have a glass of wine.
Nikita Nik says
That’s a nice contest. I have been married for 4.5 years and it still feels so fresh. Our love bond goes stronger and stronger with every single passing day. What we do to take our romance alive is, we always make each other feel how special we both are in each others life. We do take every meal of the day together. We hug and kiss each other all the time. We cook together to make the cooking time more interesting. We watch movies and serials together, no matter how busy we are. We always go out together for shopping, no matter how small thing we are going to buy. I don’t cry for any reason (even when I miss my parents) bcz I know he won’t like it and he might bring tears in to his eyes too. :). He makes me laugh all the time. We love spending every single (possible) minute together. In all these 4.5 years it was only one time when we were not together for 2 months bcz of some educational things and those were the most upsetting days of our life. We used to call each other all the time and I (wife) could not stop my tears whenever I hear his voice. But I knew, I had to write my exams. Since then we are together and don’t feel to stay apart from each other. We always plan trips together. It’s impossible to sleep until unless we both are sleeping next to each other, hand in hand. The best thing is that we don’t fight :). It’s only bcz of great understanding between us. We give a nice kiss every night before we step in the dreaming world. We both love to see each other first in the morning after we wake up. I love the way we are and I always pray to God to shower his love on us like this and make our bond of love even stronger today and forever.
Dawn Sneathen says
My husband and I have been together 25 years and never had a honeymoon. We get together time by going Hunting, Fishing, Fixing the roof and trying to make every day a little special. That is how we keep it alive.
Michele Moore says
These days busy lives keep husbands and wives virtually running in different directions all day long. My husband owns a business and puts in over 14 hours a day 6 days a week. We both have children from previous marriages whose schedules we must work around and I also work and attend school part time. It is essential in any marriage to make time for each other. I make it a point to have dinner with him at least twice a week while he’s at work. I also text throughout the day quotes and pictures of love I find on the web. Our time alone at night is truly ours and is time for us to just enjoy being with each other. Dating and keeping the lines of communication open are most important in any relationship.
jennifer turk says
Being Spontaneous is always something fun to do. Spending time together as a couple and an occasional trip for two makes for great romance!
Tara Probst says
My husband and I have been together for almost three years. He has three children from a previous marriage and we have a one year old together so alone time is hard to come by. Every couple months we get a decent date night, but we make it a point once a year to recreate our first date. We had a 9 hour date (movies, dinner, casino) it makes me feel so special. He says that he doesn’t always show it like he should, but he would have a million first dates with me just so I could get a hint at how much he loves me.
Crystal Gerena says
we always find new things to try
Jo Griffin says
I’m needing help in this area as well. Together 21 years with 2 kids, my husband’s business is not doing well and the stress over finances had really put a wedge between us. I could use any help you could give.
Thanks for this opportunity!!
Christy Blank says
We try to keep an open mind – and open communication!
Natalia Pino says
My husband works night shifts and I work day shifts and is very hard for us to get around after spending days not seeing each other, so we ocasionally we leave little love notes, text each other sweet things and set up dates and pretend that we are lovers to keep the spark alive in our marriage.
Denise Bigley says
After 26 years of marriage and 3 kids ages 24,21,12 we still take the time for each other. It can be hard at times,but we close our bedroom door and our kids know that it is mom and dads time. ( of course we say it is to talk about things,bu that is only a part) LOL Anyhow, we take time,not a 5 minute deal but at least an hour even if this is only hapening at 2 or 3 am. Yes, we lose some sleep sometimes,but it is better to lose sleep than our marriage. We cant afford to get away much, but thanks to sweeping,I had won a trip to Las Vegas that the wondeful people who sponsored the trip changed it from a weekend with some BMX biker to a honeymoon for us. We even paid to stay an extra night and the Bellagio where we stayed sent us a box of candy and card for our 26th anniversary( since I told them that is what we were celebrating).That made us memories that will last until we can do it again and believe me,we will take a trip like that again!
Tracie Vandermeulen says
As with many Moms here, we also struggle to keep things “romantic”. We have three boys who are into everything. There is barely enough time to eat a meal much less be romantic. We do tell each other pretty frequently that we love each other and the occasional kiss. I wish we had time to do a date night.
Terri Bollin says
I don’t have any clue…I am not very romantic but I will try anything to make my husband happy π
kelly light says
I try to show him every day how much I love and appreciate him from cooking a special meal when he has had a hard day to laying out his sleep clothes when I know he is tired. I put love notes in his lunch box with a special “treat” whenever I think of it or I can. We try to find alone time a few days a week just to spend time together without kids or interuptions. I
Crystal Mexico says
Honestly, after having a baby (our second in two years), losing a child in the previous year and having two older children from a first is VERY hard lately to keep our romance alive. However, we have found that the littlest things help us to keep the sizzle. When we notice that things seem to be lacking or we start taking each other for granted, the small things seem to throw us right back into the passionate couple we used to be. Holding hands, just giving one another a kiss when we’re doing our own thing walking through the house past each other. Spending those few hours that the baby is sleeping cuddling on the couch. Its difficult some days, with all the stress and worries of finances and holidays coming up, but whenever we seem to slip out of the habit of being romantic, one of us tends to pull the other one back in π Sometimes we cook together, we even coupon together on occasion lol, simple things like having our “favorite show” during the week that we dedicate that one hour to each other with…..we try to remember that each day is a blessing, as well as having each other.
sarah says
It is hard with 3 children. We have a 8 year old with disability’s a 3 year old and a 17 month old. After we put the kids to sleep we snuggle on the couch and watch a show that we want to see. It is our little date time.
Rise Isom says
We go down memorylane to remember what sparked our young love. We have wonderful memories and they help us reconnect and know why we are together.
christi meyer says
After being with my husband for 20 years, the key to love and romance is selflessness. I send him a text with an uplifting verse to brighten his day. Or make his favorite meal just because. He is even better than me at doing this. He just whisked me away for an overnight trip in the middle of the week.
Sunnie says
We have been married 10 years, with two kids and I like to try new stuff in the bedroom, I express my fantasies to him. Its nice when you have been with someone for so long, and you dont have to be nervous around him. I love being married and having a family, and it takes work to make it work, but it is all worth it.
Courtney says
We’ve been married for over a year! (October 16, 2010) We’ve been together for 7 years. We have two beautiful daughters (6 & 3) and one on the way. I would LOVE to keep our marriage a live and fresh and keep it going. Of course everyone always has their “down” moments, but I would love to more happy and exciting moments then our down. I want to keep our marriage going. I’m young and would LOVE to know how the secrets to keep our marriage alive. I want to grow old with my husband and be the best wife I could possibly be and to keep him happy. I would be very honored to win this chance!
Jennifer says
My husband and I have been married 17 years and have 3 kids. We have a “special” day for ourselves. Each year we celebrate the day he proposed by taking the day off of work and staying in bed all day. It’s our special day while the kids are at school. It’s our time to reconnect and celebrate our love. (And it’s our secret day)
London Ingoglia says
Been with my husband for 15 years and married 11 years. A friend of mine once grabbed some temp tattoos out of the basket I was passing out for a kids party. She had a big smile on her face so I asked what’s up with wanting the temp tattoos? She replied use your imagination. I thought about it for a second and then it hit me. I immediately put some to the side and that evening I just placed them in fun places and had my husband go on a treasure hunt. They were a HIT. Sports logos are always good, especially if they just won a game, lol.
Jacqui Odell says
Been with my husband for almost 8 years. We have 3 young kids. a almost 5yrs and 3yr old and 3 month. We are renewing our vows in May on the same date we got married. Two ways we try to keep the romance allive is one by staying up an hr later each night then the kids and just having some us time, and we also try to go on a date once a month.
[email protected]
Angela says
We head up to Victoria B.C. each year for our anniversary. A whole weekend without the kids to focus on our relationship and have some fun! It’s so beautiful up there. We leave our car in Port Angeles and ride the ferry over so we spend most of our weekend traveling around the city on foot exploring and checking out little shops and pubs. It’s our “reset” button when it seems like our lives are being taken over by the kids’ activities, our jobs, working around the house, etc. I highly recommend it! π
Ashley C says
My husband is gone a lot due to the military so when he comes home it’s like we’ve been away for way too long and we get to act like we’re kids again… it’s great
paula says
Been with my husband for 11 yrs and try keeping our relationship alive in every way. We have special date nights once in awhile. I never leave without telling hime I love him.
marylou sakosky says
After 18? well since 93 with my Randy i found a peace i pray others do ..someone wrote this best when he said
Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
This is what we live by ,besides the love of Jesus, i have so much love for my Randy and grateful i was blessed with his love too .
agatha says
The Best way to keep the romance burning is being spontaneous. Tomorrow may never come and later there may be no time with kids, or projects coming up. Go shopping for some wonderful lingerie, Grab some candles, put the drinks on ice and that should get anyone feeling romantic. I know I feel great when I go shopping for a new outfit. I feel wonderful and confident. Happiness is the key to a long lasting life. π
Melissa Snyder says
I have been married less than a month and a half, but we work at keeping our flame hot. Things we do include always kissing each other whenever we leave each other, before bed and first thing in the morning. We always say we love each other whenever we leave each other or get off the phone. We also make a point to let the other know they are appreciated. We tell each other specific things that the other does to make us happy. We also have take an interest in what the other one likes. My husband is a 49ers fan so we went to a 49ers game on our honeymoon. I love the theater, so my husband gets me tickets for a show every year for my birthday and Christmas, and he goes. We have actually started to like each others activities too!
Tammy cagle says
We’ll be married 30 years in April. I think sometimes I need something to make it more interesting. We always say I love you, We have very rarely went to bed mad. Now that he is disabled I go home everyday for luch to spend my luch time with him. I am lucky that I only work 3 min. from home.
We don’t really do vacations but we have always taken one night on our Anniversary and gotten away from everyone. We rent a cabin at one of the State Parks.
I would love to win this and try something new.
Erin J says
We always try new things. Sometimes you have to get creative and roll play as well if you have to. I think the key to kepping romance is communication, comprise, open minds and creativity. As long as you keep those things at the top of your list, your romance should last forever and possibly get better everyday : )
Jennifer Azevedo says
For this week’s date night (it was the anniversary of our first meeting), we went indoor sky diving! My husband is afraid of heights so this was the perfect way to experience diving We anticipated the date and definatey bonded through the unique experience After diving, we went to “off the grid” in San Francisco-a trendy food truck event-we tried different types of foods with a botte of french champagne that we brought! I bought the indoor dive on groupon so the entire date cost under $80!!
Melanie Harding says
We leave each other love notes on the bathroom mirror with our fingers. Whenever one of us takes a bath or my husband shaves, the mirror fog up & makes the message visible. It’s a little reminder each day that we love one another and it’s always a surprise to see what the other has written.
cathy lamberth says
We have to work at this , we have done the little sweet notes , date nite but , the one that i feel is the best , is we pray together and we have been marry for 32 years .
Nicole booth says
Anything I can think of!! We barely get a kid free moment, but when we do we like to go to dinner and a movie!
Adam Gale says
I have been married 3 years, and we have date night once a week. Whether it be going out on a picnic, or me cooking dinner and renting a movie and just spending time on the couch watching it together. Once a month I paper the house with post its listing all of my wife’s great qualities. I have even gone as far as learning how to make origami flowers, painted them, and left her a dozen origami flowers on her work desk so she had something nice to wake up to.
Robin says
We are just past 5 years and I don’t know how to keep the romance going. We have tried the date night idea, we say I Love You but anymore it just sounds like a recording and I have tried to unwind from lifes stresses and get back to the simples things but it just doesn’t work. We need help with this one.
Hannah Laura says
We have been married for almost 10 years and have 4 kids so finding time for anything is difficult, and being awake enough and having enough energy is even more of a struggle. We do try to have one day that’s just for us, and we give hints to each other throughout the days too just to show each other that we still want and love each other.
Jennifer says
We have been married almost nine years this time. I have known my husband 27 years (since I was 11). We are best friends, and have been through it all. We try to keep things fresh and new. It is hard with a teenage son in sports, and my oldest son and his fiancee and 2 yr old son all under one roof. Oh, and there is a new baby coming in May. I don’t know how we manage, but we do it. We are a military family, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. ARMY STRONG!!!!
Pam C says
My husband and I have been married for 17 yrs with 4 children(16,14,9,5). We have “date nights” where we go out to eat and get a movie. We cuddle a lot, give each other little kisses and hugs. We have lots of play fights(wrestle and pillows) and they are fun. But most importantly, we keep God first and consistently pray that we both will always have eyes for each other and noone else!!!!
caitlin says
its difficult to find the time with a 17 month old, but we both make an effort. Any time or any place we suddenly have alone time. π