Take the A to Z Romance Challenge to bring a little lust back to the relationship! 23 years into our relationship and it’s easy to get busy with life.
Hurried I love yous on the way out the door for work. Quick pecks as we pass each other during the rush that is dinner time.
We make sure we get in date nights a couple of times a month but honestly, I miss the romance of those early dating days. Surprises, sweet messages, and the little things that make the heart flutter.
This romance challenge brings all those back with little romantic gestures in alphabetical order.

Fun and Flirty A to Z
Romance Challenge
A: Ask something new and have a meaningful conversation about it. Use one of these Printable Love Questions if you need some ideas.
B: Blindfold surprise date to somewhere you went when first dating.
C: Cook together and feed each other samples.
D: Dance together to your song.
E: Encourage guys or ladies night out for your partner.
F: Flirt a little more today with butt grabs and extra kisses.
G: Give a surprise gift – something small like their favorite candy or flower.
H: Hugs and hand-holding, do them both more today.

I: Impromptu intercourse
J: Joke around and get each other laughing.
K: Kiss a little more today. Kanoodle a little more today.
L: Leave love notes in pockets and other places around the house.
M: Massage your partner after a long day at work.
N: Notice little things you love about your partner, and compliment them.

O: Offer to help them with something they don’t enjoy doing.
P: Plan the perfect date night together combining things you both enjoy.
Q: Quality time in the morning – start the day with a little extra flirtiness.
R: Reminisce about your early dating days.
S: Send a Sexy Text!
T: Tell them how much you love them.

U: Unplug and reconnect for the night.
V: Value your partner and tell them why you do.
W: Watch a rom-com you both love.
X: (E)xperience something new together.
Y: Yummy breakfast in bed or desserts by candlelight.
Z: Zazzy it up for a date night.
Print this A to Z Romance Challenge below and do them in order or mix them up based on what you have time for that day. Hopefully, this challenge helps keep the spice alive in the relationship and reminds you of the little things that can make a big difference.

Check out more simple ways to stay connected to your spouse!

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