Get flirty over the phone with these sexy texts to send your husband!
It’s super easy, especially when you add kids to the equation, to let the spark fade away. Days get busier, free-time is less and less, and alone time with your spouse generally requires a babysitter.
The #1 thing on the list of Keeping the Spice in Marriage is texting.
I’m not talking about “can you pick up milk on the way home?”. I’m talking about Sexy Texts to Send Him, and I’ve got some great ideas to help you out!
Sexy Texts to Send Your Husband
I like to keep a few flirty texts in my back pocket for when my husband needs a pick me up. Or for when I’m feeling frisky if we are being honest.
Sometimes work is rough and he’ll send me a message to vent. Some days I can tell he needs a little bit more than an I love you. For those days, hot sexy texts like these put a smile back on his face.
#1 If I told you your body was sexy, would you hold it against me?
#2 What are you wearing?
#3 Nice pants. Can I test the zipper?
#4 Your tongue does a better job teasing me than your words do. (great response to use for one of his texts!)
#5 I can’t think of anything but you.
#6 I’ve been thinking about you all day, and it’s not PG rated.
#7 If you were a book, I’d lick my fingers and flip the pages.
#8 My mind is full of inappropriate thoughts of you.
#9 I’ve heard the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body. Want to show me?
#10 Even if every inch of you was pressed against me, I would ask you to push closer.
#11 I’m not always horny. You’re always sexy.
#12 No one else makes me feel the way you make me feel.
#13 You know where I want to kiss you?

Sexy Texts to Send Him in the Morning
#14 I booked a sitter, want to go on a date with me?
#15 That kiss this morning was amazing and left me with feelings all day.
#16 I can’t wait to be in your arms again.
#17 Even if every inch of you was pressed against me, I would ask you to push closer.
#18 I’m not always horny. You’re always sexy.
#19 No one else makes me feel the way you make me feel.
#20 It was hard to say goodbye this morning, but I enjoyed watching you walk away.
#21 Should we put the kids to bed early tonight?
#22 Can I have you for dessert tonight?
#23 Last night was amazing. Repeat tonight?
#24 Do you wanna mess up the bed with me tonight?
#25 Feel like staying up late tonight? I’ve got some ideas…!
Sexy Movie Quotes that make Great Sexy Texts
A few more fun sexy text ideas to make him think about you are to quote a favorite movie. Flirtatious song lyrics also work great as sexy texts.
Here are a few of the ones I like to use:
“To me, you are perfect.” – Love Actually
“You had me at hello.” – Jerry McGuire
“You’re the first boy I ever kissed (insert name), and I want you to be the last.” – Sweet Home Alabama
“I want all of you forever, you and me, every day.” – The Notebook
“Tonight I’m gonna to dance for you. Tonight I’m gonna put my body on your body. Boy I like it when you watch me. It’s going down tonight. – Dance For You, Beyonce
“I’m just sitting here waiting for you to come on home and turn me on.” – Turn Me On, Norah Jones
“You spin my head right round, right round. When you go down, when you go down down.” – Right Round, Flo Rida
“Tonight I want all of you. Give me everything tonight.” – Give Me Everything Tonight, Pitbull
Want more sexy texts to send him? Check these out:

Shelley says
OMG Love these!