Focus on your Self Care while Social Distancing!
It is more important than ever for moms to take care of themselves. Prioritizing our Self Care helps us take on each day with a positive attitude.
These 8 Self Care tips are what are helping me get through this time. Hopefully they will help you too!

Self Care While Social Distancing
#1 Create a Routine
Stick to a routine for bedtime, waking up, meals, and activities. Routines create some normalcy and gives your mind something to look forward to.
#2 Get Ready for the Day
Don’t get me wrong, staying in pajamas sometimes is what we need. Taking a shower getting dressed, and maybe a little makeup are also what we need sometimes. Get dressed up even if you have nowhere to go.
#3 Get Fresh Air
Head outside for fresh air and sunshine at least once a day. Sit on the porch listening to the birds. Read a book in the hammock.

#4 Get Active
Physical activity is great for our body and mind, especially when we are stressed. Take a walk, workout in your living room, or do some yoga. Whatever activity you enjoy, try and do it daily.

#5 Connect with Friends and Family
Reach out to your people via phone or virtual chat. Staying connected with our support circle is important during social distancing when we can’t be together.

#6 Limit News and Social Media
Set limits for how much news and social media you are consuming. Only check the news in the morning or evening, remove social media apps from your phone, or whatever works to help you limit what your are consuming.
#7 Write Down Positive Things
Make a list of positive things each day. This helps to remind you of the good things during a stressful time.

#8 Start a New Project
Dive into a new project while you have the time. Update an area of your home, start a garden, learn to crochet, and the list goes on.
If you need some help making your self care a priority right now, take this 10-Day Self Care Challenge or play Self Care BINGO!

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