We’re not big spenders when it comes to buying gifts for each other. That includes Valentine’s Day.
We enjoy a nice dinner at home and he picks up some of my favorite chocolate covered strawberries at a local shop. Sometimes it’s the small gestures that say the most, like these Simple Valentine’s Day Gifts For Your Spouse that are sure to spark the love!

Simple Valentine’s Day Gifts
For Your Spouse
#1 Love Jar
Grab a pen and paper, and write down all the reasons you love your spouse. Those little things that make you smile when the aren’t looking, and give you that tingle.
Then, take all those reasons and cut them up into strips of paper. Fill a mason jar with all those love notes, and tie a ribbon on it.
#2 Scrapbook of Love
Make this the year that you go back to those early dating days of saving ticket stubs and doodling names. Buy a Love Scrapbook for the two of you to fill up over the year.
This gift may even make you plan monthly date nights so the pages don’t sit empty. If you need some ideas check out A Year of Date Night Ideas.
#3 Learn About Your Love
Get to know the love of your life even more, with 88 Conversation Starters for Husbands and Wife or Printable Love Questions to Ask Your Spouse. Plan a night each week, where the two of you sit down and draw a question out of the box. Before you know it, the wine glasses will be empty and you will be a bit wiser about your spouse.

#4 Love Spot
Do you have a special place with your spouse? Maybe the spot where you first kissed or where the proposal happened?
Plan a surprise visit to your “Love Spot” and bring along your favorite desserts to enjoy while you are there. For us, it’s a spot at the top of a hill in town, that overlooks the entire skyline. It’s so pretty at night, when all the lights are lit up, and I had no idea it existed until I met my husband.
Mihaela Echols says
I love that these ideas are sentimental and sweet! We are gonna do the survey too!