I will be bringing you things to do for me time, all year long. Starting with 15 Minute Me Time Ideas for January!
As the mom of a teen, tween, and toddler twins, I will tell you a little bit of me time each day keeps you sane. It doesn’t just keep you sane, it helps you remember who you. That you are more than a mom.
Being a mom is amazingly fantastic. It can also consume us. For that reason, Me Time is highly encouraged around here.

January is still pretty chilly in most areas of the country. You may find yourself enjoying that 15 Minute Me Time inside most days this month. I mixed up the me time ideas for January with indoor and outdoor ideas for you to choose from.
15 Minute Me Time Ideas for January
- Pick up a guilty pleasure magazine to flip while sipping on a glass of wine.
- Plan your weekly menus.
- Make a detour for a local thrift store after work one day.
- Challenge yourself to a game of solitaire.
- Start organizing photos you’ve shoved into shoe boxes or file folders on your computer. (This is a great idea to do once a week, so you don’t overwhelm yourself with job.)
- Begin a list of goals for 2025.
- Try a new salad or dip recipe that you can throw together quickly.
- Grab the headphones and dance around to your favorite album.
- Enjoy guilt-free time surfing your favorite social media outlet.
- Stop by the local animal shelter for some furry friend love.
- Organize your makeup and toss out oldies.
- Tackle a simple task you have been putting off.
- Decorate your planner with stickers for the month.
- Grab your pen and do some journaling.
- Get the colored pencils out and color yourself calm.
- Start reading a new book.
- Create a vision board.
- Paint your nails a fun new color.
- Take a cat nap.
- Stand in front of the mirror and compliment yourself.
- Clean out your junk drawer.
- Allow yourself to hit the snooze button without feeling guilty.
- Get out the styling tools and try a new hair do.
- Take fun selfies to remind yourself how beautiful you are.
- Give yourself a mini pedicure with lotion, a pumice stone, and nail polish.
- Clean out your dresser and fill a bag for your upcoming garage sale, or donation.
- Write down a travel bucket list of places near you to visit when the weather warms up.
- Sit outside and enjoy the sunset or the sunrise.
- Go for a walk around the block.
- Look through your cookbooks for three new recipes to try.
- Make a list of things you need to buy for Valentine’s Day.
Hopefully there are some things on this list for you to enjoy a little me time in January. I know I’m looking forward to doing many of them myself!
Which Me Time Ideas for January will you be partaking in?
What are your favorite ways to sneak in a little me time each day? If you need some help, check out How to Get a Little Me Time Every Day!
Jeanette says
These are great me time ideas! I could use a few minutes by myself and I hardly ever get that! I will be using a few of your suggestions!
Jocelyn Cañasa Brown says
Great list! I definitely need some more me time this year. I feel like I got none last year.
Mandie Stevens says
My favorite is the travel bucket list. My husband and I always try to think of where we wanted to go when my in-laws have the kids and always forget. I need a list!
Dawn McAlexander says
I think it is really important to get some me time everyday. You can use it to collect your thoughts and simply unwind. Yes, me time is important.
Claudia Krusch says
I think it is so important to have some time for yourself. It is a great way to recharge your batteries during the day.
Kathy says
I think these are all such great ideas. I think it’s always great to have some me time. Sometimes I’ll take short naps during the day when the kids are in school.
Amy Desrosiers says
These are all such great tips! I would love to unwind with a good drink a read about now.
Diana Rambles says
I love this list. I would love to take a cat nap in the sun!
Patty says
Me time is vital. I learned that early on. No matter how busy you are it is really important to take a little bit of time for yourself if it you only sit in a chair with your eyes shut and daydream. You will be so much happier for it.
Hali @daytodayMOMents says
Me Time is so important and this is a great list of ideas on what we can all do. Pick and choose according to what your schedule allows. Something I am working on!
Melissa says
these are so lovely– I especially like the stand in front of your mirror and compliment yourself! Definitely going to be incorporating that little pick me up into my me time! Such a great list
Rachael Yerkes says
It is sad that even 15 minutes can be hard to find sometimes. but I am more determined than ever to do it. my favorite is reading a chapter or two in a good book! THanks
Aubrey says
It’s sometimes hard to find me time when you have little ones at home. I love these ideas.