Today I’m sharing my twin birth story. Grab your coffee and enjoy the ride!
I’m not gonna lie, thinking about labor and delivery with twins scared the bajeebies out of me. I’d delivered two babies already, both individually, and about 5 years a part.
My brain had a chance to forget the fear and pain (even with drugs) I had the first two times around. But, two babies coming out of my womanly parts…TOTALLY different ball game.

My Twin Birth Story
Almost four years ago, I gave birth to boy girl twins. It has been a whirlwind ever since and although it’s been a few years, My Twin Birth Story still seems like it was yesterday.
C-Section or Vaginal Delivery with Twins?
From the get go I knew I wanted a vaginal birth with twins. I had decided on this for two reasons. One, I didn’t have time for the longer and more limited healing process that came with a C-Section. Two, the thought of being cut open scared me more than the thought of pushing two babies out of me.
Being able to deliver twins vaginally depended on positioning of each baby for me, as they were in separate sacs. Their positioning determined which of the twins would be delivered first.
During a visit at about 8 months, Baby B (my son) had changed position. If he didn’t move back to his original position before the due date, vaginal delivery would no longer be an option. By delivery day, he had moved back.

Twins Delivery Day
When I was pregnant with my twins in 2013, 38 weeks was considered full-term. I reached that point, no thanks to Influenza B the week before. On delivery day we were told to call ahead at 6AM, to make sure a bed was available.
One was, so we headed that way at 7AM to be induced. I was induced with my second child and it took all day so I didn’t have high hopes of anything happening quickly. To my surprise, they did.
By 10AM I was in quiet a bit of pain and dilation was progressing. The nurses came in to check and break my water and that did it. All the sudden the pain intensified and I was on my side gripping the bed rail.
The nurses called for an epidural, and thankfully they did because the anesthesiologist was going to be unavailable for an hour or so in a surgery.
Almost as soon as the epidural was administered it was time to head to the operating room where I would deliver. I knew beforehand that is where I would deliver in case of complications.
Once in the operating room, I was moved to an uncomfortable surgical table and greeted by my OB. The pain was getting stronger and contractions faster, and I realized the epidural wasn’t going to kick in fast enough, or wasn’t working.
They called the anesthesiologist back and he rushed back to help before starting the other surgery. Whatever he did took the pain away, and at that point I could feel anything. Seriously, even my butt cheeks were numb, but, it was time to push!
I slightly felt Baby A (my daughter) come out and asked if she was out. Yep, there was Baby A – my little girl. I saw her face quickly, then her and daddy headed off to the warming table.
That’s when my OB asked me to relax and wait while Baby B, dropped into position. I knew this could take 10 minutes or even longer. Not my son though.

Within just a couple minutes I had the overwhelming urge to push and he came rushing out. Bruised his nose and face on the way out, but thankfully he was okay.
Mom, not so much.
One of my main blood vessels blew on his way out and they were having trouble stopping the bleeding.
I remember getting really cold.
I remember them sending my husband and the twins back to my cozy and warm post-labor room where my mom, grandma, and sister were waiting.
I remember them calling for my second OB to hurry and come help because they couldn’t stop the bleeding.
I remember the nurses counting gauze pads and being off one.
I remember looking down at the floor and seeing a lot of blood.

The next thing I remember is being wheeled back into my room. No idea how long it had been, hubby said over an hour.
I was weak due to blood loss and had iron pills added to my list of daily meds for the nurses to give me. I wanted to hold my twins.
The twins were perfectly fine and beautiful. Hehad a touch of jaundice, but nothing a little formula supplementing didn’t fix.
Me? I was up and walking around by the next morning, and felt like I had been run over by a zillion semis. Exactly how I expected to feel I guess, but more on that later.
Do you have a twin birth story to share? I’d love to hear in the comments below!

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