This list of Mom of Twins Must Haves includes products that make life with twins easier, more comfortable, and organized.
I’ve used a lot of things over the last years of raising twins, but these 10 things I couldn’t live without. Well, I could but it would have made for a few more breakdowns.

Hopefully this list is helpful to you as you prepare for twins. Let me know what you would add to the list!
10 Mom of Twins Must Haves
#1 Calendar and Planner
Hang a calendar on the fridge so the whole family knows what is going on. Keep a planner for yourself that is more in-depth.
Life pretty much goes full speed ahead when twins arrive. Having two older kids as well, a calendar and planner literally saved my sanity each month.
#2 Big Bag
Purse, backpack, tote bag, or diaper bag. Whatever you decide to carry those first years with twins, make sure it’s a big bag.
#3 Comfortable Tennis Shoes
Keeping up with twins, especially when they start walking, requires a comfortable pair of tennis shoes. Fuzzy slipper socks or cozy slippers would also be a must, for when you finally kick your feet up at the end of the night. That doesn’t happen often, I know, but they are nice to have when you get a little me time.
#4 Inspirational Mug, Water Bottle, or Wine Glass
When you raise your glass, an inspirational message can quickly change your mood. Coffee in the morning, water while running errands with twins in toe, or wine during a little me time in the evening.
Imagine the smile on your face when that cup also includes a message that makes you smile when you need it most.

#5 Wine Chilled in Fridge
This must have for moms of twins needs no explanation.
#4 Pajamas That Double as At-Home Day Wear
Being a work-at-home mom, I live in comfort. Many times I’m in pjs or yoga pants until the afternoon.
Those first days at home with twins probably won’t have you leaving the house much, or even showering. Pick up some comfortable pajamas that can also be worn around the house all day long, in guess guests pop over.
#7 Ridiculously Comfortable Pillow
When you finally greet your bed for the evening, laying your head on a ridiculously comfortable pillow is what you want. A great night of sleep (or even a power nap!) will help you recharge for another day with twins.
#8 Candles
The smell of double the poopy diapers, double the spit-up, and piles of laundry and dishes because life with twins happened. You’re going to want to stock up on candles so you don’t spend all day going “what the heck is THAT smell?”!
#9 Portable Power Bank
You may find yourself nursing twins in a chair for hours, or taking longer than you’d ever imagined when leaving the house. Those are just two reasons to get yourself a portable power bank for your cellphone. Life always has us running out of battery life when we need it most, especially when you have twins.
#10 Friend Who is a Mom of Twins
To vent, to ask those crazy questions about twins, and to laugh and cry with. A friend who is a mom of twins can be that hidden gem that saves your sanity during the first year with twins.
Hit up a local multiples club, find a mom group in your area, or ask friends if they have friends who have twins. You never know what mom of twins you will hit it off with, and find a life long friend in as well.
What are your Mom of Twins Must Haves?
Now that you have your must haves, get yourself prepared with Parenting Hacks for Raising Twins. They will help you keep your sanity during the first year.
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