It’s a struggle to get enough me time every day isn’t it? Being a parent is a tough job.
There’s always something that needs done and it may seem like you are always juggling many tasks at once. Even if you’re not a parent, you likely have many other responsibilities that take up your day.
You have work. Maybe even school. A house to care for. Friends or family who need your attention.

If your to-do list is always full, you’re in good company. We all seem to be busier than ever before. We’re on the go so much that many people simply don’t get the time to themselves that they need each day and it can greatly increase the stress in your life.
Here at Mom on the Side, I’m a big supporter of me time. I think it’s important to get a little alone time each day, even if it’s just 15 minutes of me time.

You can wake up a little earlier or stay up a little later to sneak it in. I also like to tag team parent with my husband so we both get a little me time every day. If you are wondering how to get a little me time every day, here’s how!
How to Get a Little Me Time Every Day
- Read a book
- Enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or hot cocoa on the porch
- Sit in your garden
- Talk to a good friend on the phone
- Spend 30 minutes on your favorite hobby
- Take a bubble bath/ long shower
- Bake cookies
- Run errands without the kids
- Take a walk
- Workout
These are just a few ideas to get you started when you are wondering what to do for me time. Some of these activities may not appeal to your and that’s totally okay.
Successful me time is all about picking an activity that you enjoy doing. Maybe you’d rather play a video game for a little while.

Whatever it is that you like to do, you can make some time each day for enjoying it. Depending on how much time you have for said me time every day, here are 18 Awesome Things To Do By Yourself for more ideas.

With these fun things to do alone, you can work in me time every day. While it’s important that you handle all of your daily responsibilities in life, it’s equally important that you take some time for you.
It’s necessary to recharge and to help you operate at your best. It reduces stress, increases creativity, and will make you a genuinely happier person. I don’t know about you, but I want to be happier every day!
Need a jumpstart on making yourself a priority? Take this 10-Day Self-Care Challenge!

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