This post on 10 Essentials for Hiking with Kids is a sponsored by Banana Boat®. The opinions and text are all mine.
The other day I came across a great list of places to hike in Iowa. I had no idea some of these hiking trails existed, let alone the parks that were also around them.
My husband loves to hike, and while there are some great trails in town, you can only do them so many times before you want some new scenery. I made a list of the hiking trails within driving distance and a shopping list of essentials for hiking with kids, so we could start planning some Summer Adventures.
Part of planning those hiking adventures means preparing ahead of time, especially when having kids in toe. If hitting the hiking trails with family is on your to-do list, these 10 Essentials for Hiking with Kids will help ensure your adventure is fun and safe!
10 Essentials for Hiking with Kids
1) Water Bottles
Staying hydrated while hiking is important so have plenty of water bottles on hand. Bonus, now money spent o bottled water on the way there.
We bring along water bottles for each family member and I toss them in the freezer beforehand so they are a bit frozen to help them stay colder longer.
2) First Aid Kit
My family can not leave the house without someone needing a bandage. Having a First Aid Kit with basics like Neosporin, Bandages, Moist Towelettes, Gauze, and Tweezers is handy. You never know what scraps, cuts, ticks, and other things you will encounter on your hike.
3) Bug Spray
Apply Bug Spray before you go and bring it along for reapplication if needed. Nothing ruins a great hike like being attacked my mosquitoes on the trails.
4) Comfortable Clothing and Shoes
Comfortable walking shoes, and light comfortable clothing makes hiking more comfortable. Bring along hats for shade if the sun is shining and don’t forget those sunglasses. I also pack a change of clothes for the twins because I never know what accidents will happen.
5) Sun Care Protection
Lather on that sun care protection before you head out on your hike. Then, reapply every two hours when you are out hiking. Set a timer on your phone or watch to remind you when it’s time to reapply. While picking up some hiking essentials at Walmart, I grabbed Banana Boat® to cover the sun care protection needs of the whole family.
6) Snacks
Granola Bars, trail mix, nuts, and fruit make great hiking snacks. I like choosing snacks that don’t require a cooler so I don’t have to lug one around. If you time your hikes before or after lunch and dinner then you don’t have to worry about packing a big meal either.
7) Camera
You never know what amazing scenery you come will across or what awesome things your kids will do while hiking. Bring along your camera so you can capture those hiking memories. It would even be fun to give the kids disposable cameras to snap photos of things they find and create a little photo album for them!
8) Duct Tape
Seriously. Duct Tape comes in handy for all sorts of hiking mishaps. Broken shoes, broken strollers, leaky water bottles, building stick people, and more. Trust me, bring the Duct Tape when hiking with kids.
9) Flashlight
If you are hiking later in the day, bring along a flashlight. You may be out later than planned, or could even get lost and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be stuck on a trail, in the dark, without a light source.
10) Scavenger Hunt
When hiking with kids, creating a fun scavenger hunt can help keep them entertained along the hike. Add things to the Hiking Scavenger Hunt like types of flowers, trees, animals, or bugs that you may encounter in your state. Have them check items off as they find them or collect them as they walk the trails.
What are you essentials to hiking with kids?

Danielle P. says
Love this list, I will actually be bookmarking it. I head out with the kids often and forget at least one things, sometimes multiple! Sunscreen being one of them… Oops! P.S. Banana Boat is one of my favorite brands for sunscreen.
Kelly McCann says
Decent list! I would add a couple of things though:
* light pack for each kid, with an “emergency only” whistle
* rain gear (disposable ponchos are super light)
* trail map, and make a copy for each kid who can read
* toilet paper and freezer ziploc bag for bathroom needs far from the bathrooms (pack out the trash!)