Are you expecting twins? Let me help you prepare with what to expect when expecting twins, from my experience!
My twins are turning three soon. For some reason that has me thinking back. Back to the first year with twins, those first days at home, and a twin pregnancy that felt forever long.
Every second was worth it but holy cow were there some things I wasn’t prepared for. Things that I experienced during my twin pregnancy that I wish I had known about.
Not everyone may experience the same thing. In case you experience these too, I’m sharing What To Expect When Expecting Twins.
This is a sponsored conversation with Viactiv.
What To Expect When Expecting Twins
More Doctor Visits
I learned right away that a twin pregnancy earned me more doctor visits with my OB than a singleton pregnancy. It started off as monthly, then went to bi-weekly, and towards the end it was weekly.
I did become a master at peeing in a cup. For the most part, they were pretty quick visits to check growth and positioning.
Terrible Morning Sickness
Morning sickness when pregnant with twins, oh my! It was beyond terrible for me. I knew I was pregnant before seeing the doctor because of the morning sickness.
At the first visit, I mentioned how sick I had been and that it didn’t feel normal. My OB joked that I was having twins. By the time we got to the ultrasound he stopped joking because he was right. It felt like “all day all pregnancy” sickness but it was worth it.
Chewbacca-like Style
Okay, so it’s not that bad. But, I was sprouting hair where it shouldn’t be.
On top of that, my leg and armpit hair grew at rapid rates. Facial hair is what drove me nuts and I become best friends with my tweezers.
I don’t know if it was testosterone from having boy girl twins, or my body trying to tell me I was going to need extra to replace all the ones I’m pulling out during the toddler years with twins.
Beyond Bloated
Don’t get me wrong, I had some swelling during my singleton pregnancies but nothing like the bloating with twin pregnancy. My ankles were beyond cankles. I lived in flip flops, even in the middle of winter, because nothing else fit.
Another thing that didn’t fit was my wedding ring and that happened way earlier than it did with my singletons. Stairs were the worst during the last month. The skin on my knees felt like it wanted to stretch open. I don’t miss any of that.
Pinched Nerve and Carpal Tunnel
By the time I entered my third trimester, I was visiting a Physical Therapist for carpal tunnel in my hands. After weeks of waking up crying in pain at night, I couldn’t take it.
Nerves were pinched in both my wrists causing extreme pain through every finger. The positioning of one twin caused it. I wore braces and had therapy until a few weeks before I delivered, when he moved and it subsided.
Pain from Baby Kicks
By the third trimester, my twins were running out of room in the womb. When they kicked it hurt and generally caused a sharp stabbing pain in the nether regions. Nothing that harmed me or injured me but man did it hurt. Strong little kiddos even before they were born.
Ability to Eat Ridiculous Amounts of Food
I remember eating A LOT of food while pregnant with twins. Big breakfasts, second helpings at dinner, and I would still feel hungry. I wonder if eating for three is what it feels like to train for an eating contest?
Good news is that all those extra pounds packed on eventually dropped off during nursing. And over the course of the past two years.
Calcium and Twins Pregnancy
What to expect when expecting twins is calcium loss. I experienced a loss of calcium with all of my pregnancies. Even more so when I was pregnant with twins. With crazy morning sickness and the fact that I already take calcium for bones every day, I made sure to continue taking it while I was pregnant.
You don’t need to take in extra calcium when you are pregnant. You do need to take in enough calcium every day to meet your daily requirements. (1000 mg for women 19+).
Your baby needs the calcium to build healthy teeth, bones, muscles, and heart. If you don’t get enough of these nutrients in your diet, your baby’s calcium needs will be met by taking calcium from your bones.
Many multivitamins, prenatal vitamins and mineral supplements provide only 20-30% of the recommended amount of calcium for women who are pregnant. That’s why I liked to take Viactiv throughout my pregnancies as well.
One Viactiv Calcium Soft Chew (500 mg of calcium and 500 IU of Vitamin D) taken twice daily provides 100% of the daily value of calcium for most women plus vitamins D and K!
Speaking of What To Expect When Expecting Twins, in general, pregnancy is a critical time. Maternal nutrition choices have major influence on the mother and child’s health.
Hopefully this helps you feel more prepared now that you know what to expect when expecting twins.

*OB/GYN survey data was gathered by BrandPerx on behalf of Viacitv, surveying over 1,000 participating OB/GYN’s across the country during the month of July, 2015.
This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation on behalf of Viactiv that contains affiliate links. I received Viactiv products for my own personal use. Please speak with your healthcare provider regarding any medical concerns. This post is not intended to address or diagnose any medical conditions. All opinions, text and experiences are my own. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.