Tips for potty training twins that will help you not lose your mind!
My twins turn three in January and I hope when we toss out all the wrapping paper after the party, we throw away the last diaper with it. We are oh so close to being done potty training twins and I’m talking about that in today’s sponsored post with Charmin and Sam’s Club.

Monkey Girl uses the potty all the time and loves her Paw Patrol underwear. Slobber Monster loves his Minion underwear but swears the potty isn’t for #2. That only goes in diapers. Oh so close I tell ya!
Tips for Potty Training Twins
#1 Don’t Force Twins to Potty Train at the Same Time
Twins won’t necessarily potty train at the same time, and trying to force them probably won’t work out. One of mine started months before the other.
We still congratulated him every time he used the potty, and we didn’t avoid her seeing it. It helped get her interested, but she still had to do it on her own time. I reminded myself throughout the process that they are two individuals living at their own pace, regardless if they are twins.
#2 Different Responses to Bodily Functions
Just like their timing may be different, so may their responses to bodily functions and fluids. My boy jumps out of the bath if his sister has an accident.
She on the other hand, wouldn’t even bother budging out of a puddle. No fear of #2 in the toilet for that one. Her brother must have on a diaper and hide somewhere in the house to do his #2 business.
Be aware of their responses so you can prepare by having them go potty before entering the bath, or packing diapers for extra long trips away from home.
#3 One or Two Potty Chairs
Having one or two potties is up to you and your twins. We started with one, but when one went potty, the other wanted to try and go so we ended up using two.
A few months later they both favored one potty and wouldn’t use the other so we went back down to one potty. We’ve been using one potty for the last 2 months. I haven’t upgraded to the toilet seat training seat yet but that is going to be a present for their 3rd birthday!
#4 Proper Potty Placement
Potty placement can be important. For us, the potty works best in the dining room with a mat under it. When the twins have access to the bathroom they get into things they shouldn’t and get distracted.
Putting a lock on the bathroom door created accidents because they couldn’t get in or wouldn’t tell us in time. So, we moved it out of the bathroom and have had great success!
#5 Potty Training Boy Girl Twins
If you have boy girl twins like me, be prepared for the curiosity to move out of the bathtub. When they first saw the other potty, they noticed the difference.
I explained he was a boy and she was girl, just as I did at bath time months ago when it arose. I also read potty books in hopes that helps, but for now, they are so young that the topic quickly changes.
#6 Naked Potty Training
Try no-clothes if your life allows. I work from home with my twins so we went no-clothes at home. Letting them run around in their birthday suit encouraged them to use the potty.
This is the one thing that got my girl using the potty. Almost instantly she started using only the potty and never looked back.
#7 Make Potty Training Fun
Make potty time and the things used fun! Build towers with toilet paper, sing silly flushing songs, have a dance party when the potty is used. Make it something the kids want to do!
#8 Air Freshener
Have something scented near the potty. With two using it, trust me when I tell you that the area can take on a smell of it’s own. I love using a timed dispenser so it’s frequently getting a dose of goodness throughout the day.
If you don’t want all your bath towels smelling like potty accidents, keep paper towels on hand. Bounty handles big clean-ups and is 2X more absorbent so the roll, and your Sam’s Club pack, can last longer!
Keep soft toilet paper, and lots of it on hand! Charmin Ultra Soft at Sam’s Club has 1000 extra sheets and keeps me stocked right now. I pick it up when I’m doing my shopping and eating my samples, and we are good to go all month.
Plus, the softness is awesome for little bottoms when it’s time to potty train! Pretty sure I’d be afraid to use the bathroom if it wasn’t. Wouldn’t you?!
Thank you, Charmin and Sam’s Club for having ginormous packages of toilet paper to keep me stocked up while potty training twins. Not just big packages, but big rolls too.
That’s helpful when you have six people using the bathroom in your home, and have better things to do then restock toilet paper all day long.
What are your tips for potty training twins?
For more on raising twins, check out 10 Tips for Your First Year with Twins.
Brandy says
What great tips, while I didn’t have twins – my boys are 2 years 6 days apart – and the middle didn’t train until age 4 yrs 2 mos – this meant training two at once … I feel your trials and love your tips!
Daisy says
I’m TTC and hoping for twins. I love reading articles about how to do things with twins. It sounds challenging and fun at the same time.
Stefany says
Honestly, I am about to pull my hair out potty training just one. I can’t even imagine having to potty train two close together or at the same time!
Chrysa says
Potty training for one can be hard enough. For two that seems like it would just be double the trouble!
Scarlet says
Great tips! Having a day to devote with intensive potty access and no pants did it for us too!
Tammileetips says
Oh man potty training two at once would be rough!! Sounds like you are super close to being done with diapers!
Janis @MommyblogExpert says
The photos of your kids making towers out of TP are just adorable. As the mother of TRIPLETS plus one more who were all in diapers at the same time, I have to agree that us moms have to get a little creative when it comes to potty training!
Jennifer Sikora says
I cannot even imagine having to potty train twins. I know how hard my son was!These are some really great tips. Thanks for sharing.
Penny says
I have so enjoyed your blogs! We have 2 identical twin girls who will be 3 in May and everything you have talked about in your blogs are true!!! We “are in the process” of potty training now. We’ve been working on and off for a year. They’ve upgraded to the big potty with a seat last month. The one I thought would be the hardest is doing great! And the one I thought would be the easiest, could care less (She’s the ‘secret pooper’)!!
Nevertheless, I’m letting them go at their own pace. Although I would LOVE to have that diaper $$ and despite all the ‘great advice’ from family members, I’ve learned that pushing them is not the answer. I am secretly praying they’ll be diaper free by 3, I know we’re closer than before 🙂