Call up your girlfriends and jump on Zoom to play this Virtual Scavenger Hunt for Moms!
I recently shared a Virtual Christmas Scavenger Hunt that was a lot of fun to make and play. As I was thinking of different Virtual Self Care Ideas for Mom Groups a virtual scavenger hunt for moms popped into my head.

Virtual Scavenger Hunt for Moms
The thing I love about this virtual scavenger hunt list is the items aren’t your everyday items. These items are ones that should create laughter and conversation among friends.

Hopefully this virtual scavenger hunt for moms makes you smile, laugh, and make memories with your friends. We all need a little more of that right now!
At the end of this post is a printable with all the items for a Virtual Scavenger Hunt for Moms. If you do not have a printer, I’ve listed the items below that you will be looking for. Screenshot it or write them down to use for playing.
All you have to do is invite your girlfriends to a Zoom meet-up, or other online meeting platform, print out the list, fill your glass with your favorite beverage and get ready for a fun time!

Virtual Scavenger Hunt List
#1 An item you’ve had since childhood.
#2 Something from high school.
#3 Your favorite shirt.
#4 Something brand new.
#5 Something with your initial on it.
#6 An item everyone knows you for.
#7 Your current favorite snack.
#8 Something given to you by a friend.
#9 An item you can’t live without.
#10 Something you use daily.
#11 A book you recently read.
#12 Something you secretly want to throw away.
#13 An item you need to return to someone.
#14 Your favorite beauty product.
#15 Something that reminds you of your friends.
#16 Something you want to share with friends when you all hang out again.

On the second page of the printable I left blank spaces. You can add your own ideas there if you’d like!

For more virtual fun, check out these Virtual Birthday Party Games you can play with friends and family!

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