Most of the time, holidays are about tradition. Every Christmas you decorate, organize, and go through be pretty much the same as the last, with perhaps a few variations here and there.
However, if you find you’re pregnant over the holidays, quite a lot may have to change, and that’s not a bad thing when you plan ahead! I have a little experience as one of my three pregnancies was at Christmastime, and today I’m sharing how to enjoy Christmas when you’re pregnant!
How to Enjoy Christmas When You’re Pregnant
Prioritize Rest
Growing a human inside you isn’t an easy thing to do, and you’re going to need plenty of rest to make sure you feel good and have a nice Christmas. That may mean you have to cut things short, do less, or change things around. Maybe you have people to your home rather than going to theirs or vice versa, depending on what’s going to be more restful for you.
The key is listening to your body. When it’s telling you you need a lie down, that’s exactly what you should do. If you’re worried that nothing will get done, talk to your family and friends and ask them to help out. Remember, they’re going to understand if Christmas is a bit different this year because you’ve got other things on your mind!
Choose Comfortable Clothing
When it comes to Christmas party attire, we usually think of glitz and glamour, but that kind of clothing isn’t necessarily going to be all that comfortable when you have a baby bump. Take a look at some festive maternity clothing and wear that instead of your usual outfit for more comfort.
If maternity clothing isn’t your thing, try plus-size clothing from somewhere like Hometown Heritage Clothing as an alternative. In that way, you’ll have clothes that fit comfortably but that are also glamorous enough to make you feel elegant at Christmas.
Practice Making Mocktails
One thing some may miss at Christmas, is alcohol. Being able to toast with a glass of sparkling wine or champagne, and enjoying some mulled wine around the fireplace. Although alcohol doesn’t have to be part of your Christmas at all, it’s often quite a big part of it, and when you’re pregnant, you have to miss out.
But even if you can’t drink alcohol, that doesn’t mean you can’t create some amazing mocktails for you and your guests to enjoy and toast the holiday season with. Take a look at some recipes online, and you’ll find there are plenty of Christmas mocktail ideas that mimic the real thing. You could even set up a mocktail station for people to try out their own ideas!
Include The Bump
Since your baby is going to be at Christmas, albeit in bump form, why not include them in your celebrations? Make sure your baby bump is in your Christmas photos! Also, you could decorate a special ornament for the baby and start a tradition you can keep going for many years after they’re born as well!

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