Want to take yourself on a solo date? Enjoy one of these 18 awesome things to do by yourself!
Me Time wasn’t in my vocabulary until after having kids. Really, before kids life is just one big giant Me Time Party in a way.
When we begin taking care of someone else, we have to make sure we are taking care of ourselves first. If we aren’t, we can’t fully take care of another person.
Keeping a mental list of things to do by yourself can help you recharge if needed. Add a few of these awesome things to do by yourself to that mental list!
18 Awesome Things to Do By Yourself
I firmly believe that Me Time is something all parents need. We are needed 24/7 by amazingly adorable children. But sometimes, we need a break.
Some days, I’d rather get a group of friends together for an amazing adventure. Other days I just want to be alone. If you need some things to do for me time, here are 18 Awesome Things To Do By Yourself!
#1 Go to a movie – many theaters offer discounted tickets earlier in the day so you can take in a matinee at a savings.
#2 Go out to eat – Psssst, Happy Hour and patios aren’t meant to only be enjoyed by parties of 2 or more.
#3 Get a massage – if I could do this every week I would. A little tip, asking for spa gift certificates for Mother’s Day helps ensure you can get a little me time in the coming months!
#4 Binge watch a TV show – This is one of the awesome things you can do by yourself ANYTIME! If you need some ideas, check out these Netflix Originals I Couldn’t Stop Watching!
#5 Read a book – If you don’t have books handy at home, consider taking a trip to the library to pick some up. Seeing them on the night stand will motivate you to do something for yourself.
#6 Head to the mall and people watch – I don’t care if you judge me or not, people watching can really lift your spirits.
#7 Take in a free concert near you – Museums, bars, schools, and churchs are often offering free concerts for local musicians and sometimes even more nationally known names. Keep your eyes on your local events calendar for some of these!
#8 Take advantage of a free trial at a local gym – One of your gyms also has massages chairs so I can kill two awesome things to do by yourself with one stone!
#9 Take a Hike – This is one of my favorite things to do alone when I need to clear my mind and find balance.
#10 Soak in a bubble bath with a glass of wine – doesn’t that just sound AHmazing?!
#11 Take a day trip somewhere close – Something I’ve never done but always want to. I’m going to make it happen this fall when the kids go back to school!
#12 Take a class to learn something new – Taking a kickboxing class after I dropped the kids off at school was one of the best and most rewarding things I did for myself.
#13 Visit a museum – We have several free museums in the area that make this an easy me time activity in addition to family outings.
#14 Go Shopping in only dollar sections – This one is speaking my love language!
#15 Pamper yourself with a mani and/or pedi – Pop headphones in your ears or flip through the pages of that book you picked up at the library while you let someone else pamper you.
#16 Take a scenic drive – Turn on the tunes and take a scenic road trip. Living in the Midwest we have scenic roads all over to enjoy and hopefully you do to.
#17 Take your camera and go on a photo adventure – As someone who loves photography this had to be on this list of awesome things to do by yourself!
#18 Sit on the shore of the ocean, river, or lake, and just be – I did this the other day at the lake by my work, with a slice of gas station pizza. Watching the ripple of the water and the families of geese hunting for food was just what I needed that day.
What are some of your favorite fun things to do alone? I’d love for you to share in the comments below because we can always use some more solo date ideas!
Check out these Awesome Solo Date Ideas for even more me time ideas and if you need a jumpstart take this Me Time Challenge for Burnt Out Moms!

JMarie says
These are some great ideas and some of them I already do and others I will consider. Thanks for sharing!
Kareemah says
Staying home…take out my special teams pot and cup and have some brekkies…thanks for sharing. some great ideas I will definitely try….
sherry says
I like to book a vacation day from work on a day where my kids are both in school. Then I get to spend the afternoon with them when they get home, but I have several hours all to myself in the morning and early afternoon to just relax!
Terria says
There are a lot of good ideas here. I linked to you in my most recent post about alone time for moms here: http://wisejoyfulmom.com/2018/01/11/stay-at-home-mom-alone-time/
Juhi says
Nice ideas.
I am practicing some of these.
But a great list.
I love to save these.