Looking for ways to stop Elf on the Shelf in your house? I’ve got some ideas that will rid you of your Elf on the Shelf responsibilities for good!
Done looking up Elf on the Shelf Ideas for 24+ days? Tired of waking up panicked because you forgot to move your Elf on the Shelf?
Elf on the Shelf is not for everyone, especially if it is just added stress in an already chaotic holiday season.
If you’ve reached a point where you are over being the puppet strings of your Elf on the Shelf, use one of these ideas to say good-bye the Elf on the Shelf, forever.
Ways to Stop Elf on the Shelf
#1 Aged out of Elves
Tell your child that their Elf on the Shelf time is up because they have reached whatever age they are. But, with the loss of an elf comes the gain of a magic that they must carry on by making each day fun and spreading joy to those around them. Just like their elf did for them.
#2 Becoming Santa’s Helper
Explain that after x amount of years (however many years they have had their Elf on the Shelf) that their Elf on the Shelf turns into a real elf at the North Pole. All of his training each season in your home has prepared him to be a helper for Santa!
#3 Tell the Truth
Depending on the age of your children, you could just tell them the truth. Elf on the Shelf is a fun Christmas tradition but in reality it has been you moving the elf this whole time. You never know, if you have more than one kids, maybe they will volunteer to continue doing it for each other!
#4 Taking on the Tradition
If you have more than one child, and your oldest has figured out the magic behind Elf on the Shelf, maybe it is time to get the oldest involved. Have them take over the Elf on the Shelf responsibilities for your younger children. They might really enjoy being your helper and setting up ideas for their siblings.
#5 Final Farewell Letter
Leave a Final Farewell Elf on the Shelf Letter when it is time to say goodbye forever. There are several Elf on the Shelf retirement letters you can print out and use to close out your final season.
However you approach the end of Elf on the Shelf in your house, approach it in a way that is appropriate for your child. There are a lot of feelings that come when you find out something you believed in isn’t as it seems.
If you’re not quite sure if you want to get ride of Elf on the Shelf entirely, use one of these Clever Ways to get a break from Elf on the Shelf while you decide. Until then, enjoy the magic you are adding to the season for your children!
My youngest are 11 and know the secret behind Elf on the Shelf, but they are still up to shenanigans in our house. Until they ask me stop, I will keep making them smile each morning during Christmas and when they time comes, they will join the decor until they have children of their own and I pass down their elves.
If you want even more Elf Ideas, I’ve got a lot of them. Check out a few of the posts below and find them all HERE:
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