Usually, the night before Christmas is when Elf on the Shelf heads back to the North Pole. If that is what happens in your house, you can make the morning of Christmas Eve fun with these Elf on the Shelf Christmas Eve Ideas!
Elf on the Shelf Christmas Eve Ideas
#1 Christmas Eve Boxes
Our Elf on the Shelf leaves Christmas Eve Boxes for the kids on Christmas Eve morning. I include a pair of pajamas and a book for them to read on Christmas Eve. I previously shared several Christmas Eve Box Ideas for Kids if you need some!
#2 Elf on the Shelf Goodbye Letter
If your Elf on the Shelf leaves on Christmas Eve, use an Elf on the Shelf Good-Bye Letter on Christmas Eve morning! We’ve used this good-bye letter previously that encourages the kids to hold and play with Elf on the Shelf for the last day.
#3 Photo Album
Leave your child a fun memento when Elf on the Shelf says good-bye with a photo album. This is one you’ll need to prepare ahead of time unless you have a way to print photos at home. Snap some photos of your Elf on the Shelf with your child while they are sleeping, as well as photos of their mischief. Put them all in a little photo album and use it as an Elf on the Shelf Christmas Eve idea!
#4 Special Breakfast
A yummy Elf on the Shelf Christmas Eve idea is having your elf leave a special breakfast on Christmas Eve morning! Some ideas are festive pancakes, donuts, holiday cinnamon rolls, or something that is your child’s favorite.
#5 Special Gloves for Holding
On the last day with Elf on the Shelf there is nothing better than being able to hold your Elf on the Shelf. Leave a pair of special magical gloves (aka Christmas oven mitts) along with a note stating the gloves can be used to handle the Elf on the Shelf on Christmas Eve!
#6 Candy Cane Hunt
Having a Candy Cane Hunt is a fun Elf on the Shelf Christmas Eve idea! Hide a box or two of candy canes around the house and leave a note with the elf saying he has hidden x amount of candy canes for them to find.
A few years ago I shared some Memorable Elf on the Shelf Departure ideas to make his last night a fun one. This year I’m doing something new when our Elf on the Shelf leaves on Christmas Eve night. Little footprints! I found a kit for $1.00 at Target to make this happen! You could also make your own stencils and use flour or sugar.

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