These Elf on the Shelf Departure Ideas are fun ways to send Elf on the Shelf back to the North Pole. From goodbye Elf on the Shelf letters to a frosty message, you can do it in a memorable way!

Elf on the Shelf Departure Ideas Your Kids Won’t Forget
Do your kids get sad when their elf has to “go home?” My twins love their Elf on the Shelf arrival day. Not so much the Elf on the Shelf departure day.
We leave an Elf on the Shelf departure letter but there are other fun and memorable ways to send your elf off! Check out the list below and get ready to send elf home.

Elf on the Shelf Good-Bye Ideas for Departure Day
Elf on the Shelf Departure Letter
One of the easiest Elf on the Shelf Departure ideas is to leave a letter. A goodbye letter from Elf on the Shelf is best printed, just in case your children recognize your handwriting.
There are several free printable Elf on the Shelf departure letters to help you out. They make it even easier to avoid being caught!
- 20+ Elf on the Shelf Goodbye Letters – so many fun ones!
- Goodbye Elf on the Shelf Letter – this one encourages your child to give their elf a hug before leaving, without ruining the magic!
- Elf on the Shelf Departure Stationery – if you are writing your own Elf on the Shelf Departure letter this is perfect!
Last year, we used the Printable Elf on the Shelf Letter from A Worthey Read. The kids still have it tucked in their Elf on the Shelf book.

Elf on the Shelf Departure Ideas for Kids
If you are looking for funny ways to say goodbye to Elf on the Shelf these are it! These Elf on the Shelf departure ideas and activities are sure to leave your kids smiling after the elf is gone!
Elf Yearbook: Snap pictures of your Elf on the Shelf antics each day and make an Elf Yearbook to leave your child on the last day. What a great memento for your child to keep from childhood!

Hands-On Good-bye: Everyone knows you can’t touch Elf on the Shelf or he’ll lose his magic. Why not break the rules on Christmas Eve and let your children cuddle and play with their elf before he leaves!
PS: If you need to touch your Elf on the Shelf, grab the magical moving gloves printable!

Have A Going Away Party: The night before Christmas Eve, set up a small area as a party. Wrapping paper backdrop, tiny party snacks, and even some photo props.
Then, pose your elf at the party. When your child wakes up on Christmas Eve they can have a pretend party!
Snowy Photo Evidence: Live somewhere that has snow?Snap a picture of your Elf on the Shelf in it.
Leave the photo in place of your elf after they leave as proof they arrived safely back at the North Pole! (Or show them the picture on your phone.)

Christmas Eve Boxes: We give our kids Christmas Eve Boxes with jammies, candy, and a new ornament. You could have Elf on the Shelf leave something like that when they depart.
Frosty Message: Use aerosol snow to leave your elf’s silhouette and a goodbye message on a door or window. You can see an example of this HERE. I may have to use this fun Elf on the Shelf departure ideas this year!
What about you? Which one of these Elf on the Shelf departure ideas will you be using?
Check out 50+ Quick Elf on the Shelf Ideas for when you forget to move your elf!

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