How I’m surviving Halloween with toddlers!
Halloween is a fun holiday. Seeing the kids get all dressed up and fill the neighborhood sidewalks in search of candy.
Once upon a time I set way too high expectations when it came to costumes and the amount of events on the schedule. Since then, I’ve learned to stress less, enjoy more, and simply focus on Surviving Halloween with Toddlers!

Surviving Halloween with Toddlers
Last year reminded me of a thing or two when it comes to those first few Halloweens. Trick or treating on Halloween with Toddlers means you may end up chasing your child through someone’s front door because they saw a kitty, or making it to only 8 houses before they are ready to go home.
To help you through the night, here are some tips on Surviving Halloween with Toddlers that helped me, and will help me again this year.
#1 Adorably Easy
When picking Halloween costumes for toddlers, keep easy on the top of your list. You want them to look adorable or spooky, but think of how often the costume will come off and on. Plus, all that traveling from place to place will be easier when you have a comfortable toddler.
#2 Afternoon Halloween Fun
If you have older kids that go to school while the toddler stays home, afternoon Halloween fun comes in handy. My twins get impatient waiting for sister and brother to return home, especially on holidays.
An afternoon of Halloween treats and some Halloween shows on Netflix Kids is the perfect thing to pass the time without the whine.
#3 Visit Family Early
Toddlers tire out quicker than older kids. If you have to visit family, do it earlier in the evening, before the little ones are cranky or falling asleep.
#4 Don’t Expect A Lot of Trick-R-Treating
The Halloween’s we remember the most are when we “made to every single house in the neighborhood and got he most candy ever.” Those memories can get us all excited for taking our kids out and watching them go for hours. Toddlers aren’t quite there yet, at least mine aren’t.
They have about a good hour or two in them and in that time, we make it around 3 blocks or so. That includes a stop at a church trunk-r-treat in the neighborhood. It’st he perfect amount for them and they are still having more fun seeing all the costumes anyway.
#5 Push Play, Sort Candy
Have a Halloween show ready to play on Netflix when you get home from trick-r-treating. Toss them a few pieces of Halloween candy to enjoy while watching the movie, and now you have the opportunity to sort through all the Halloween candy that just come home.
If you need some ideas, check out my full list of Halloween Movies on Netflix for Kids, Families, and Adults!

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