Free Printable Screen Time Coupons for Kids
Summer is finally here and I have to admit, I’m highly impressed with my children’s amount of screen time so far. They’ve been outside playing more than they’ve been staring at a tablet so far.
I know that’s going to change and probably sooner than I’d like but having a printable screen time coupons seems to be helping, especially my twins. At 6-years-old they love earning rewards and having others be proud of them. The perfect combination for printable screen time coupons to work.

If you are looking for an easy to make sure your kids are taking care of chores, maintaining their daily routine, and making time for things other than electronics, print out these screen time coupons for your kids and so they can get used to earning it instead of expecting it.

These screen time coupons come in various amounts of time for electronics. Starting at 5 minutes and going up to 30 minutes.
Hand them out when you notice your child exhibiting the behaviors you want to reward. Starting chores without asking, getting ready without whining, etc.
My oldest watches the twins on the days I work and the screen time coupons are also an easy way for her to reward the twins for behaving and following directions.

I told my twins they could save them up or redeem them as they wish to add on extra time to their already allotted screen time for the day. So far it seems to be working out really well but I’ll have to update you at the end of summer lol!
I know sometimes screentime is unavoidable, boy do I know. Like when your husband throws his back out and you can’t avoid mowing any longer so you need to occupy the little kids for an hour. Those times I’m gonna be honest, I’m thankful for entertainment at their fingertips!
At least with the Playtime Pad, I know the twins are accessing education experiences like PBS games, videos, and songs. With complete control over their entertainment with parental controls, I don’t have to worry about them finding dancing sausages or awful YouTube channels.
Features of the Playtime Pad
*Bluetooth and Camera
*24/7 Live Channel for built-in streaming – no subscription needed!
*60+ PBS Kids Games with NO in-app purchases
*Unlimited Kids Profiles and Customizable Home Screens
The Playtime Pad is a 7” HD Kid Safe Tablet in a kid-safe durable silicone case so kids can enjoy the ultimate entertainment and learning experience wherever they go. After they’ve completed their screen time countdown that is!
[…] Photo Credit: Moms on the Side […]