Family recipes generally have some strong memories connected to them. The preparation of the food, the holiday a recipe was devoured, and the passing down of recipes from generation to generation.
This holiday season, give a generational gift with heirloom quality recipes cards
from author Korie Herold!
Give a Generational Gift with
Heirloom Quality Recipe Cards
Packaged in a beautiful box, these 4″ x 6 recipes cards are ready to help you create more memories with family recipes. This is a great gift idea to give to your adult children, any baker or cook in your life, and even a white elephant gift.
My oldest daughter will be moving out on her own in the next year or so. It will be nice to give her an arsenal of family recipes to move into her first place with. All her favorite side dishes grandma makes for Thanksgiving and Christmas will for sure be on several of the recipe cards!
The recipe cards designed by Korie Herold are super pretty. A subtle elegance and nice sturdy cardstock for longevity. Each box includes 50 cards with 5 different designs in her signature style. On each recipe card there is space for:
- Name of the Recipe
- Who the Recipe is From
- Prep Time and Total Time
- Serving Size
- Ingredients
- Directions

You could easily store these recipe cards in the box they come in, or you could get store them in a recipe card box. My mom stores her recipe cards in a little wooden box and that box is a big part of my memories baking with her growing up.
I’ll probably get a wooden box to gift the recipe cards in for my daughter. If you do the same, just makes sure you get a recipe card box that fits 4×6 recipe cards!
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