Adults aren’t the only ones who enjoy a little planning and this free printable kids planner will help our kids feel more in control of their day, too!

Free Printable Kids Planner
In addition to the adorably delicious looking kids planner cover, there are 4 different types of printable planner pages. Print multiple copies of all of them or just the pages your child will use.
The four different pages of this free printable kids planner include a daily “My Day” page. Spaces to right down a schedule, 3 things they need to do, random acts of kindness, and more.

A page parents will love is the “Chore Tracker” kids planner page. Plenty of space to keep track of daily and weekly chores as well as mark off when they are done.

For kids who love to read or need a little encouraging to read more, there is a “Reading Log” kids planner page. Space to write down each book read and what they learned from it.

Finally, every planner needs space to doodle and this free printable kids planner includes a “Doodle Page”! Space to get creative, draw feelings from the day, or even play some games of Tic Tac Toe.

Grab this free kids planner printable below. Staple them together or use a three hole punch and a binder so your child can use it all year!

I didn’t forget about the adults. If you need to get organized this year, grab this Free 2021 Printable Planner perfect for busy moms with all the pages you need to stay in control of each day!

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