Super easy is how I like my Halloween School Lunch Ideas and that’s what I’m sharing today in partnership with Entenmann’s!
My twins take their lunch to school quite often. One of them takes it daily and looks forward to the note I pack. The fun holiday themed touches I include are always a big hit. Like printable string cheese holiday decorations and these simple Halloween school lunch ideas!

Super Simple Halloween
School Lunch Ideas
#1 Fruit Mummy: Wrap bananas and apples with gauze bandage. Draw on eyes with a Sharpie or super glue on googly eyes.
#2 Jack-O-Lantern Oranges: Use a Sharpie to draw jack-o-lantern faces on Cuties or regular size oranges.
#3 Spider St’Ring’ Cheese: Slide a spider ring around the string cheese wrapper. Easy peasy queasy!
#4 Cookie Cutter Sandwich: Use Halloween shaped cookies cutters to shape sandwiches or homemade brownies.

#5 Anything Pumpkin or Apple Cider Flavored: All throughout fall I pack pumpkin and apple cider flavored goodies in the twins lunch box. Usually Entenmann’s Little Bites or Donuts.
Are you team pumpkin or team apple cider? Fall in love all over again with your favorite and Entenmann’s baked goods in beloved season flavors.

Stock up on your fall favorites from Little Bites® muffins and Entenmann’s® while they are back on shelves, including Entenmann’s Pumpkin Donuts and Pop’ems and just as delicious as ever, Little Bites Pumpkin muffins baked soft and moist using REAL pumpkin!
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