Grab these Halloween Charades Printable Cards for some extra spooky fun!

Halloween Charades
Printable Cards
Are you looking for fun Halloween activities at home or games for a Halloween Party? I have Halloween Charades printable cards just for you!
We love playing charades because it is a great game when your kids are a wide range of ages. It’s also an easy game to play and you technically don’t need anything other than people.
Playing charades with ideas tossed in a bowl is how we like to play. Sometimes I write them on strips of paper and other times I print charade cards to use.

Because I have extra time on my hands right now I made Halloween Charades Printable Cards to share with you. Simply print them off, cut them up, fold them up, toss them in a bowl, and play!
If you don’t have a printer, write the following ideas on strips of paper:
- Ghost
- Mummy
- Spider
- Witch
- Vampire
- Haunted House
- Carving a Pumpkin
- Werewolf
- Trick or Treating
- Zombie
- Bobbing for Apples
- Scarecrow
Here are two more ideas if you want to play more charades. Grab some paper and start writing down ideas for one of these Halloween Charade games!
Halloween Movie Themed Charades: Michael Myers, Jason, Freddy Krueger, etc.
Halloween Songs Charades: Monster Mash, Purple People Eater, A Nightmare on My Street, Ghostbusters, etc.
Niurka says
A princess
Shelly Peterson says
I loved my Raggedy Anne costume my Mom made me.
Jennifer Cervantes says
My favorite halloween costume growing up was when I was a crayon. My grandma made it for me.
livivua chandler says
The witch from the witch of oz
mami2jcn says
I was Madonna one year.
Tim says
I have a twin brother, so we were always dressed up in pairs in our early childhood. Around junior high we were able to pick our own costumes and be unique. In hindsight, I think the paired costumes were better. .
heather says
My favorite Halloween costume growing up was when I dressed up as a nurse.
Jessica To says
I was a Rubiks cube one year. We made it from a card board box and colored squares on it!
Jacob Bray says
Id dress up as the crow, my favorite movie
Elle says
I had a really cute Minnie Mouse costume that I would wear year after year until I grew out of it.
Janice Cooper says
My favorite costume was Wonder Woman. I loved watching Wonder Woman on tv as a child.
Elena says
I was a Snow White
Nancy E Loring says
My favorite costume I had growing up was I went as a pilot because that was my dads job and I got to wear his stripes and his hat I was so proud and afraid that I would somehow ruin his clothes. I didn’t.
Will G says
My favorite costume was The Lone Ranger.
Jeremy McLaughlin says
Favorite was dressing up as Freddy Kreuger.
Kelly D says
I always loved my witches costume for Halloween.
Dynal Roberson says
My daughter plans on being a flying squirrel
Susan Smith says
My favorite Halloween costume growing up was when my best friend and I dressed up as Cinderella.
kelly tupick says
I always liked going as a witch for Halloween.
Jenny Ham says
Vampire is my favorite
Kelly l Woods says
I dressed up as a pumpkin one year and it was so fun.
Rajee Pandi says
Love to be Jasmine