Make the most of your Christmas movie watching this winter with this
Hallmark Christmas Movie Kettlebell Workout!
Last year I came across a Hallmark Movie Workout from It was a fun way to stay active while watching my favorite holiday movies. Because I am loving my kettlebell workouts lately, I decided to create my own twist with a Hallmark Christmas Movie Kettlebell Workout!

Hallmark Christmas Movie Kettlebell Workout
Every year there are tons of new Hallmark Christmas Movies, along with old favorites. Combine that with ALL the other Christmas movies out there and that’s a whole lot of holiday movie watching. This Hallmark Christmas Movie Kettlebell Workout will keep you moving during all that watching!
Various kettlebell workouts are paired with common things you will see in Hallmark Christmas movies. Each time you see one of the things happen in the movie, complete the corresponding kettlebell move.
Check out the workout below, then print your own copy so you are ready to join me this winter! Depending on your kettlebell level you can decrease or increase the moves. For even more fun, add your own moves based on the movie you are watching or phrases commonly said, like Merry Christmas!
Decorating a Christmas Tree = 8 Snatches with a Single Bell on the Right and Left Side (I’m pretty sure at least one tree has been decorated in every Hallmark Channel Christmas movie I’ve watched!)
Sledding or Ice Skating = 10 Double Bell Bent Over Row on Right and Left Side (Is it even a Hallmark Christmas movie if a family isn’t sledding or a courting couple isn’t skating?!)
Someone Wrapping Presents = 20 Swings Single or Double Bells (If the movie includes a cute little Christmas shop where gifts are wrapped then there could be a whole lotta swinging going on!)
Santa Sighting = 5 Goblet Squats (You can choose whether you do the goblet squats when you see a character wearing a Santa costume, or you could make it more difficult and do it when you spot Santa decorations, too!)
Baking Cookies = 4 Cleans with Single Bell on Right and Left Side (Another one, where, depending on the movie, you could end up doing a lot of cleans if the main character works at a bakery!)
Dancing = ISO Hold Farmers March 30 Seconds (One of my favorite parts about Hallmark Christmas movies is the live Christmas music. That usually comes with dancing!)
The Kiss = Swing + Clean + Snatch with Single Bell 3 times each on Right and Left Side (The grand finale of every Hallmark Christmas movie – THE KISS!!!)

For more Hallmark Christmas movie fun, check out my Hallmark Holiday Movie BINGO!
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