Over the next few weeks, I would like to offer you some tips to help you Coupon Smartly with my Guide to Using Coupons. To kick off this guide we are starting with How to Find Coupons!
Coupons can be a money savers best friend and they can be a “newbies” worst enemy. Coupons can seem confusing, overwhelming and time-consuming when you first begin.
It has been 10+ years since I started couponing and boy have things changed. There aren’t nearly as many coupons available as there were back then and the size of the discount has dropped as well. That said, coupons can still save you money grocery shopping.
Knowing how to get the most out of your coupons will put even more money in your wallet. That is what I hope this guide on how to find coupons helps you do.
Guide To Using Coupons: How to Find Coupons
The first lesson in my Guide to Using Coupons is how to find coupons. These Coupon Sources will become your best friends! You’ll check in on them often to see what’s new. Have them added to your phone. Smile when you see them.
There are several different places to find coupons and places to find coupons. Here are some of the main resources I use to get my coupons.
Newspaper Inserts/Magazines
We are all familiar with the Sunday Inserts. These coupons vary by region. There several different inserts to look for such as Red Plum, Smart Source, and Proctor & Gamble.
They all contain valuable money-saving coupons. Depending on what coupons are available each week, I will pick up 2-3 papers.
Magazines also contain high value coupons. All You was one of the most popular magazines of couponers that could be found at Walmart, or through subscriptions on places like Amazon but I haven’t seen it in ages. My other favorite magazines for coupons are Family Circle, Parents, Family Fun and Rachel Ray.
Printable Coupon Websites
Coupon websites have come and gone over the years. One of my favorites, based on reliability, quality, and quantity of the coupons available is Coupons.com. You can usually print two of each coupon offered. They offer coupons for lots of different needs like pet care, household, food, entertainment, toys and more.
Brand Websites
You can find valuable coupons on popular brand websites. Tide, Colgate, Green Works, Oscar Meyer, Nestle and lots more periodically offer coupons directly on their homepages! You can also sign-up for newsletters on the website and those often contain valuable coupons as well.
Facebook was a popular place for brands trying to reach fans. They still do but we are seeing far less coupons and free samples than we used to.
Even so, it’s a good idea to follow your favorite brands on Facebook. You’ll stay up to date with offers and giveaways they are providing!
Mobile Coupon Apps
There are lots of apps surfacing that are offering exclusive deals, coupons and more right on your smartphone! These can come in handy especially when you are a busy, on-the-go person. Popular ones include iBotta, Honey, Checkout 51, and Fetch. What coupon apps do you use?
For more details on mobile coupon apps, check out 6 Coupon Apps to Save You Money!

Hopefully these tips help you find coupons for more savings when you are shopping. Stay tuned for Part 2 of the Guide to Using Coupon: How to Start a Coupon Train! This is a great idea if you have friends, family, or coworkers who also coupon.
For more advice on saving money, check out my other posts:
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