Planning a road trip with the kids? Grab this printable Road Trip Scavenger Hunt to keep them entertained on the journey!
Printable Road Trip Scavenger Hunt
No matter how close or far a road trip is, it seems even farther and longer with children. I’ve been the kid who made their parents threaten to “turn around and head back home”. I also have kids who have made me threaten the same. Is it even a family road trip if that phrase isn’t spoken?
Hopefully this road trip scavenger hunt keeps the kids busy so they can’t annoy you during the drive. There are 30 items to look for on your road trip that are pretty common if you are driving the interstate or highway.
Below is a list of the clues to look for on the road trip scavenger hunt. If you don’t have a printer just jot them down on a piece of paper.
- Semi Truck
- Farmland
- Construction
- State Trooper
- Camper/RV
- State Sign
- Bus
- Emergency Vehicle
- Restaurant
- Gas Station
- Rest Stop
- Truck Stop
- Water Tower
- Airplane
- Motorcycle
- Cow
- Roadkill
- Flag
- Barn
- Lake
- Bridge
- Abandoned Building/Barn
- Traffic Light
- Tractor
- Stop Sign
- Horse
- Train
- Mountain
- Bird
- Fast Food Sign
If you are looking for a way to tell the kids you are taking a road trip or vacation, I’ve got you! Grab one of these Vacation Announcement Scavenger Hunts to announce the surprise!
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